Monday 25 June 2007

Muhammad Haque again exposing the CrossRail hole plotters’ lie that the plot would amount to ‘benefits’ to the East End of London.

Muhammad Haque again exposing the CrossRail hole plotters’ lie that the plot would amount to ‘benefits’ to the East End of London.

The lie is lethal. Because this is the one that they have used to get the controlling clique on Tower Hamlets Council to spin locally for Crossrail in the Council’s touting role for Crossrail hole plot.

Of the 1000+ documentary references [created and published by the promoters of Crossrail] that the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail has checked as to what Crossrail is, there is NOT ONE in which the Crossrail hole plan is mainly described as being about bringing ANY benefits to the East End of London or indeed to ANY other part of London affected by Crossrail plan.

The ONLY and the CORE description of the Crossrail hole plan that is given in the overwhelming number of statements [issued by Michael Snyder for the City of London Corporation, for instance or by Jo Valentine, baroness of the pro-Crossrail lobby outfit 'London First'... and similar others] is that it is intended to link Canary Wharf, the City of London with Heathrow.

Khoodeelaar! has established in the 42 months of our campaign [which we began on 31 January 2004] against Crossrail that the pathetic references to the East End have been deliberately ADDED as a sheer spin, which is not based on any substance that is corroborated by the contents of the CrossRail hole scheme Bill [‘the Crossrail Bill’, now in the UK House of Commons].

The reason why we have been asking Tower Hamlets Council to scrap their deal with the Crossrail hole plot promoters is to do with the undeniable fact that the East End will lose out more than it will ever gain, even when the Crossrail hole plot is generously interpreted.

All students of economics know that demand has got to be real if the sort of massive public expenditure being lobbied for to create the supply of the Crossrail line is to be justified..

Where in the daily experience of the East End ordinary population is there any demand for such a scheme? And this is exactly the question that Gordon Brown has been asked and which is why he has been forced to concede that the Crossrail hole plot is not an ECIONOMIC priority.

Even in his speech last week to the City of London, Gordon Brown was forced to rely on the spin he knew he had to deploy as part of the presentation. But he could not give the commitment that the City wants.

Just as Ed Balls could not give the commitment that Big Business agent Ken Livingstone wanted a few months back when they staged one of those interminable stunts for the uneconomic plan. Just as the former chief executive of British Airways, Rod Eddington [whip had been asked by Gordon Brown as chancellor to investigate the UK transport crisis] could not endorse Crossrail as an ordinary economic solution to the real transport crisis that fetters London and the South East. In fact the line that Crossrail will bring thousands of jobs to the areas affected generally and to the East End of London was made by their spokesperson who appeared on the BBC TV Politics Show as shown on Sunday 26 March last year.

That man was referring to Canary Wharf, which is where one of the world's largest banks has just confirmed the sacking of at least 4000 employees! The 'alternative' to the Crossrail plan, the Superlink, has been referred to in the Financial Times in the last four days. In his comment ion Crossrail, Michael Schabas says that the present Crossrail plan is far too uneconomic and far too costly. The Khoodeelaar! campaign wants the East End to be economically viable.

Our start must be made with the use of existing human resources in the optimum way possible. Tower Hamlets Council is not doing this as the Local Education Authority.
As has been again confirmed [including by the Daily Mail running a number of articles in the past 4 days focussing on the disastrous role played by Christine Gilbert], Tower Hamlets is producing well under 40 percent GCSE achievers as opposed to over 50 per cent elsewhere.

And Tower Hamlets is far below the UK national average on per capita performance in the context of per capital expenditure on the formally recorded and assessed pupils.. Only because money is spent does not mean it is translated into sustained and creative human ability.

For that, the Local Education Authority as well as the locally elected 'representatives' of the area must show that when they act in our name and about our area, they do so by possessing the recognition of the value and the potential of human beings. In Tower Hamlets, there is no evidence so far that those are recognized by 'our elected' local Council.

On 22 January 2006, more than 1000 people turned up to attend the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill meeting at the Brady Centre in Hanbury Street [the street is the target of the Crossrail hole] .

There was no room to accommodate all who wanted to attend. Of those who did attend, ALL backed the motion that I put to the meeting demanding that Tower Hamlets Council pass at full Council an unequivocal motion saying No to Crossrail hole Bill.

The community is still waiting for the Council to carry out that very democratic and economically very sensible demand. The failure by the Council to date to pass that Motion shows the failure on the part of the controlling clique to recognize something very fundamental.

They do not behave with common sense and with ordinary rationality. That is why they are stuck on their backing for the crassly conceived Crossrail. And it shows in the crass way that the Council has failed to address the sustained evidence we have presented against the Council’s collusion with the Big Business Crossrail hole plot.

Muhammad Haque again exposing the CrossRail hole plotters’ lie that the plot would amount to ‘benefits’ to the East End of London.

Muhammad Haque again exposing the CrossRail hole plotters’ lie that the plot would amount to ‘benefits’ to the East End of London.

The lie is lethal. Because this is the one that they have used to get the controlling clique on Tower Hamkest Council to spin locally for Crossrail in the Council’s touting role for Crossrail hole plot.

Of the 1000+ documentary references [created and published by the promoters of Crossrail] that the Khoodeelaar! campaign against Crossrail has checked as to what Crossrail is, there is NOT ONE in which the Crossrail hole plan is mainly described as being about bringing ANY benefits to the East End of London or indeed to ANY other part of London affected by Crossrail plan.

The ONLY and the CORE description of the Crossrail hole plan that is given in the overwhelming number of statements [issued by Michael Snyder for the City of London Corporation, for instance or by Jo Valentine, baroness of the pro-Crossrail lobby outfit 'London First'... and similar others] is that it is intended to link Canary Wharf, the City of London with Heathrow.

Khoodeelaar! has established in the 42 months of our campaign [which we began on 31 January 2004] against Crossrail that the pathetic references to the East End have been deliberately ADDED as a sheer spin, which is not based on any substance that is corroborated by the contents of the CrossRail hole scheme Bill [‘the Crossrail Bill’, now in the UK House of Commons].

The reason why we have been asking Tower Hamlets Council to scrap their deal with the Crossrail hole plot promoters is to do with the undeniable fact that the East End will lose out more than it will ever gain, even when the Crossrail hole plot is generously interpreted.

All students of economics know that demand has got to be real if the sort of massive public expenditure being lobbied for to create the supply of the Crossrail line is to be justified..

Where in the daily experience of the East End ordinary population is there any demand for such a scheme? And this is exactly the question that Gordon Brown has been asked and which is why he has been forced to concede that the Crossrail hole plot is not an ECIONOMIC priority.

Even in his speech last week to the City of London, Gordon Brown was forced to rely on the spin he knew he had to deploy as part of the presentation. But he could not give the commitment that the City wants.

Just as Ed Balls could not give the commitment that Big Business agent Ken Livingstone wanted a few months back when they staged one of those interminable stunts for the uneconomic plan. Just as the former chief executive of British Airways, Rod Eddington [whip had been asked by Gordon Brown as chancellor to investigate the UK transport crisis] could not endorse Crossrail as an ordinary economic solution to the real transport crisis that fetters London and the South East. In fact the line that Crossrail will bring thousands of jobs to the areas affected generally and to the East End of London was made by their spokesperson who appeared on the BBC TV Politics Show as shown on Sunday 26 March last year.

That man was referring to Canary Wharf, which is where one of the world's largest banks has just confirmed the sacking of at least 4000 employees! The 'alternative' to the Crossrail plan, the Superlink, has been referred to in the Financial Times in the last four days. In his comment ion Crossrail, Michael Schabas says that the present Crossrail plan is far too uneconomic and far too costly. The Khoodeelaar! campaign wants the East End to be economically viable.

Our start must be made with the use of existing human resources in the optimum way possible. Tower Hamlets Council is not doing this as the Local Education Authority. As has been again confirmed, Tower Hamlets is producing well under 40 percent GCSE achievers as opposed to over 50 per cent elsewhere. And Tower Hamlets is far below the UK national average on per capita performance in the context of per capital expenditure on the formally recorded and assessed pupils.. Only because money is spent does not mean it is translated into sustained and creative human ability.

For that, the Local Education Authority as well as the locally elected 'representatives' of the area must show that when they act in our name and about our area, they do so by possessing the recognition of the value and the potential of human beings. In Tower Hamlets, there is no evidence so far that those are recognized by 'our elected' local Council.

On 22 January 2006, more than 1000 people turned up to attend the Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole Bill meeting at the Brady Centre in Hanbury Street [the street is the target of the Crossrail hole] .

There was no room to accommodate all who wanted to attend. Of those who did attend, ALL backed the motion that I put to the meeting demanding that Tower Hamlets Council pass at full Council an unequivocal motion saying No to Crossrail hole Bill.

The community is still waiting for the Council to carry out that very democratic and economically very sensible demand. The failure by the Council to date to pass that Motion shows the failure on the part of the controlling clique to recognize something very fundamental.

They do not behave with common sense and with ordinary rationality. That is why they are stuck on their backing for the crassly conceived Crossrail. And it shows in the crass way that the Council has failed to address the sustained evidence we have presented against the Council’s collusion with the Big Business Crossrail hole plot.